Help Ukrainian Firefighters

Recently it was a special event for the Ukrainian firefighters who have been in the United States for over a week now, as they finally had the opportunity to visit the office of the Polsky Foundation. This foundation has organized their trip to the U.S. and their participation in the Federal Fire Prevention and Control Exhibition (FDIC). Polsky Foundation members and Help Ukrainian Firefighters in Need project co-founder Yana Feyganova have collected gear for Ukrainian firefighters over the last year.

Since receiving this incredible opportunity, the Ukrainian firefighters have eagerly awaited their arrival in the United States. And today, their dream became a reality as they visited the Polsky Foundation’s office in the city’s heart. Here, they were warmly welcomed and had the chance to personally meet the foundation’s founders, expressing their deep gratitude for organizing such an unforgettable trip.

During their visit to the Polsky Foundation office, the Ukrainian firefighters had the opportunity to introduce themselves, engage in conversations, and express their heartfelt appreciation for the foundation’s support. They shared their experiences, passionate dedication to their profession, and stories about how they have been coping with the challenges they face in their daily work since the beginning of the war.

After visiting the Polsky Foundation office, the Ukrainian firefighters headed to the FDIC exhibition, where they finally had the chance to meet with their American counterparts. They participated in various seminars, workshops, and demonstrations, enriching their knowledge and skills in firefighting and fire prevention.

For the Ukrainian firefighters, this trip to the U.S. and their participation in the FDIC has been a significant professional experience and an unforgettable adventure.

– Deep thanks to the Polsky Foundation for organizing such a meaningful journey and for the assistance provided to Ukrainian firefighters since the beginning of the war. We are happy to be here, having such an opportunity for professional international experience and training. Your support is enormous!,
– said The Ukrainian firefighters Roman Kachanov, Serhii Bilous, and Oleksii Chernomorchenko.